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French Scenes & Vignettes

First Legion presents you with the French Grande Armee! We've created a new product category to cover various scenes and vignettes.  Up to now, all of our Napoleon's Europe releases have been full unit releases or single personality releases.   We are expanding our horizons in that we are now creating figures that don't necessarily fit into our previous unit based release strategy but are more a grouping of figures meant to convey a particular scene, usually non-combat in nature.   Our first such effort is the "Death of Marshal Lannes" just after the battle of Aspern Essling in 1809.   Our second, now presented below, is a stunning group of figures depicting Napoleonic French Camp life.   We sincerely hope you enjoy them!

French Camp Life - Click to Enlarge
The Death of Marshal Lannes - Aspern Essling, 1809
Burning of the Eagles
60mm Burning of the Eagles
Displaying products 1 - 9 of 9 results
NAP0389 Napoleon, Marshal Lannes, Surgeon Larrey, and Accessories
Price: $199.95
NAP0389 Napoleon, Marshal Lannes, Surgeon Larrey, and Accessories
60mm Napoleon Leaning over Marshal Lannes with Surgeon Larrey and Accessories - Aspern Essling 1809
NAP0390 Baron de Marbot
Price: $69.95
NAP0390 Baron de Marbot
60mm Jean Baptiste Antoine Marcellin, Baron de Marbot
NAP0410 Voltigeur and Fusilier Playing Cards on a Drum
Price: $139.95
NAP0410 Voltigeur and Fusilier Playing Cards on a Drum
60mm French Voltiguer and Fusilier Playing Cards on a Drum
NAP0411 Veteran Sapper Introduces a Drummer Boy to Spirits
Price: $134.95
NAP0411 Veteran Sapper Introduces a Drummer Boy to Spirits
60mm Veteran Sapper Introduces a Drummer Boy to Spirits
NAP0412 French Cantiniere Serving Spirits
Price: $64.95
NAP0412 French Cantiniere Serving Spirits
60mm French Cantiniere Serving Spirits
NAP0413 Voltigeur Gathering Wood for the Fire
Price: $64.95
NAP0413 Voltigeur Gathering Wood for the Fire
60mm French Voltiguer Gathering Wood for the Fire
NAP0414 Fusilier Standing Guard in Greatcoat
Price: $64.95
NAP0414 Fusilier Standing Guard in Greatcoat
60mm French Fusilier Standing Guard in Greatcoat
NAP0415 Two French Fusiliers Having Dinner with their Mascot
Price: $149.95
NAP0415 Two French Fusiliers Having Dinner with their Mascot
60mm Two French Fusiliers Having Dinner with their Mascot
NAP0416 French Hussar Standing Shaving
Price: $64.95
NAP0416 French Hussar Standing Shaving
60mm French Hussar Standing Shaving
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